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Calls for artists

What if they came straight to your inbox?

Your next gig, directly to your inbox

Imagine if you didn’t have to turn notifications on and scroll instagram for hours to find the next calls for artists announcement.

Sign up for our artist email list and be the first to hear about opportunities from STEPS.

Stay in the loop on calls for artists, free workshops, and public events happening in the Canadian arts community!

Why subscribe? You’ll get:

  • First access to paid artist opportunities happening across Canada
  • Registration notices for our free public workshops and online events
  • News from the public art community


Looking for calls for artists and arts events happening in your city? 

Every month, we round up the top arts opportunities from organizations, galleries, and municipalities across the country and list them here. Below are some of the resources and current opportunities on our radar, from British Columbia to Atlantic Canada. The links will open in a new tab on your browser.

STEPS opportunities

External public art opportunities