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Register: Downtown Stratford Community Engagement Activities

Shape the future of public art of Stratford, Ontario by joining STEPS, local artists and Downtown Stratford BIA in a series of four pop-up and in-person intergenerational community engagement activities!

Downtown Stratford BIA has appointed STEPS to help develop a Public Art Plan. The development of a public art plan should reflect on the history and future of the Stratford community in an engaging and thought-provoking way and aim to enliven the experience of the downtown area for both residents and visitors.

The community engagement activities are arts series that reflect on the present and future of Public Art in Downtown Stratford with an aim to engage Stratford’s diverse communities, question their relationship to Public Art, and explore their vision and aspirations for Public Art initiatives in Downtown Stratford. Gather with community members through hands-on creative stations, and share your opinion on Public Art in Downtown Stratford!

  • Weave your Voice @ Veterans Drive Parkland
  • Meaning of Public Art @ Land of Youth, tir na nOg (Land of Youth), beside CIBC
  • Play for Public Art from 11:30 AM to 2:10 PM @ tir na nOg (Land of Youth), beside CIBC
  • Colour Your Future Mural @ Market Square

The Public Art Plan’s goal is to outline opportunities and commitments to ensure that the benefits of public art are felt in downtown Stratford and will harness the potential of public art to advance broader municipal priorities, such as equity and inclusion, environmental resilience, reconciliation with Indigenous communities, and placemaking, among others. With a deliberate, ambitious vision facilitated by collaboration between like-minded community/ municipal stakeholder groups, Stratford can be a leader in public art.

Register today and learn about each workshop below!

Accessibility Notice

STEPS team is committed to full participation in this event. Please email Ichraq Bouzidi, Cultural Planning Manager (ichraq@stepspublicart.org) with any questions or to share access needs, and we will do our best to accommodate.

Notice of Photography

Please be advised photographs and/or videos will be taken during this event. This may include photography of event activities and participants for archival and promotional purposes. This may include newsletters, website, and social media.

If you do not wish to be photographed, please inform a STEPS team member upon arrival of the event.

COVID-19 Safety

Let’s work together to keep everyone safe! Contact information will be recorded for tracing purposes.

The use of face masks is encouraged when physical distancing cannot be maintained. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available at each station.

Anyone who is sick or has any symptoms of illness should stay home and seek an assessment from their health care provider if needed.


Rain or Shine Event

This event goes ahead in any weather. 

Image Credit: Anushay Sheikh

About the Workshops

Register to receive event detail reminders or drop-in from 11 AM to 5 PM on August 6, 2022 at any of the four stations (locations are indicated):

Weave your Voice
Location: Veterans Drive Parkland

What kind of Public Art do you want to see in Downtown Stratford? Join the STEPS team to answer this question, share your thoughts and weave your answers, using colourful ribbons. Through weaving free-standing wire boxes and colourful ribbons, STEPS staff will guide you to reflect on Public Art in Downtown Stratford and explore the different mediums and formats that you would like to experience in the city.

Meaning of Public Art

Location: tir na nOg (Land of Youth), beside CIBC

What is the role of public art in Stratford? This activity is a creative data gathering station to engage the Stratford community in answering the question and exploring their thoughts on the role of Public Art in Downtown Stratford. Located right in front of Land of Youth, Tir na nOg Installation, a house frame pavilion will be installed in conversation with the community’s cherished gate and is thought of as a metaphor for Stratford being Home.

The STEPS team will guide the participants to answer the question and choose a coloured ribbon representing one of the multiple given choices answers. The participant (or facilitator if the participant needs assistance) will then tie the ribbon to the house framework. Participants are encouraged to pick up to three different options.

Play for Public Art (Interactive activities and games on the future of public art in Stratford)
Location: tir na nOg (Land of Youth), beside CIBC
Start time: 11:30- 2:10 PM

Join Sam Hancock, a queer comedian, actress, and writer, and the STEPS team in an improv workshop drop-in sessions to explore hopes and dreams for public art in Downtown Stratford.

In multiple series of 20 minutes each conducted in tir na nOg (Land of Youth), beside CIBC, Sam will guide the public to reflect on Public Art and navigate their emotions, dreams and hopes when visiting Public Art, then reflect on their vision for future Public Art initiatives in Downtown Stratford.

Colour Your Future Mural
Location: Market Square

Join Claire Scott, a talented Stratford artist, and the STEPS Public Art team, to voice your vision for the future of Public Art in Downtown Stratford while creating a community engaged mural, aiming to activate the Market Square Wooden Shed through colour-blocking or written words.

Claire will doodle their interpretation of what makes Downtown Stratford unique, then will guide the participants to fill in the blanks while choosing the colour that best represents their vision for Public Art in Downtown Stratford.

Downtown Stratford logo in blue and green colours.
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